Why a Blog?

Why a Blog? Why WordPress?

Yesterday, I had a conversation with my former Computer Science teacher Ken Bauer from ITESM  on Twitter.

Afterwards, I read his explanation of blogging here:


Now I want to share my personal opinion. When I travelled to India, I decided to keep track of my adventures and keep my friends informed using what in that time was a Yahoo News group, which was called Goyoaventuras. People got a daily or weekly digest of what was going on with me over there. (There were no Social Networks or WhatsApp to have always a real-time conversation, plus I like to write)

I came back from my travels and for a year I kept using that group to stay in touch with my friends from India. Then somehow, Yahoo groups became less relevant.

In 2011, I decided that a blog was better to keep in touch. In that time, I found that WordPress was a little bit more solid (speaking about programming capabilities) than Blogspot (The most popular platform on that time). Besides, I had a couple of good friends such as Corinne using WordPress.

On time, I found easier to create quality content on WordPress with my personal site than getting into the dreamweaver to update my company pages of Shanti Studio, Vallarta Salads and Shanti Constructora hosted by Yahoo with their own domains. Also WordPress’s publications where adapted automatically to fit in all the new mobile ways to read a webpage. I didn’t have to worry about image resolution or font size for iPhone users, for Android users, for tablet users, etc.

Soon, I started to migrate the companies’ webpage to a blog version. Yahoo Site got tools for this, powered by, yes 🙂 , WordPress. I had some big money issues in the past moth, and we had to cancel the domains. I was unable to backup the blogs so I lost them. Now, I’m kind of decided to keep them on a free basis. Now, I don’t have the Yahoo payed domains for the companies, but you can read their blogs at:

But what are good reasons for blogging?

For me blogging is now one of the best ways to engage with my friends and customers. The Vallarta Salads blog is committed to nutrition, fun food and other stuff regarding what we do, plus offers, special dishes, etc. Shanti Studio blog is for my dance students and is a good way to keep record of dance events we do. I generate traffic to them by sharing them on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and LinkedIn. I must be creating content that may interest my customers and my potential customers to create engagement. Creating engagement and traffic allows Search enginees like Google or Yahoo to notice my blogs and point to them when someone is looking for the services we provide. Posting on Facebook fan pages doesn’t generate that much results in Search Enginees as being constant on your blog does. (Not everybody wants Facebook results when browsing Google for info)

But not everything in life is work and customers. My third and most used blog is for saying everything I can’t say in the other 2 blogs, all the “guidelines for ethics policy” that I should follow on the other two 🙂 . In this blog I can talk about politics, geek stuff I like, random thoughts, rethorical questions, movies I have seen, etc but also about the topics I talk about in the professional blogs but with a more personal view (which is a more intimate approach that some clients like)

Writing a Blog is a great way to express your feelings and talk about the things that inspire you! Bitstrips
Writing a Blog is a great way to express your feelings and talk about the things that inspire you!
Writing a Blog is a great way to express your feelings and talk about the things that inspire you! Bitstrips
Writing a Blog is a great way to express your feelings and talk about the things that inspire you!
Writing a Blog is a great way to express your feelings! Bitstrips
Writing a Blog is a great way to express your feelings!

Anyone, if you feel you have something to say, I recommend you to create or retake your blog. Share it with me down here in the comments section so I can read them and know more about you.

Hugs from Puerto Vallarta!

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